Capital markets - IPO
We regularly work alongside management teams in connection with IPOs and, generally, for the company, its managers or family shareholders in connection with public market transactions such as capital increases or other security issues (OC, ABSA, OCEANE, OBSA, etc.), private placements, and block-trades.
We assist our clients on all matters relating to stock market regulations (including e.g., share issues or financial communication) and on all corporate governance issues, whether related to work-organizational issues, the decision-making process within the company or issues relating to executive compensation. In that context, we have a recognized practice relating to negotiating the departure of executives of listed and unlisted companies.
We advise companies in difficulty, their managers or family shareholders in all types of proceedings, whether amicable proceedings (ad hoc mandate, conciliation) or collective.
Based on our recognized experience in the field of restructuring, a perfect knowledge of the different actors in the market (receivers, receivership trustees, financial auditors, etc.), and an excellent understanding of the private equity industry, we have an unique positions and expertise to assist our clients, particularly to find the best legal and financial agreement in connection with a balance sheet restructuring of any company in difficulty.
Our financial expertise combined with our legal strategy enables us to lead negotiations with all stakeholders.